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Extol Threat Intelligent Notification
IT News

A new Trojan specifically targeting the energy sector has been found.  Trojan.Laziok is being used to compromise energy sector companies in a multi-staged targeted attack.  This Trojan also acts as a reconnaissance tool, which means that it will gather information on the systems and then tailor the attack methods. The malware will then identify the […]

Macro-based malware
March 30, 2015

Macro viruses are making a comeback! Here’s a little bit of history on macro viruses.  Back in the 90s, macro viruses were a cause for concern.  It became a thorn in the sides of computer users, infecting many PCs running Microsoft Word and Excel. A macro virus is a computer virus that replaces a macro.  […]

IT News

The infamous Vawtrak banking Trojan has reared its ugly head with new features that make it more dangerous than it previously was.  It allows data to be sent and received data through encrypted favicons (see Definition) via the secured Tor network, which is a hidden web service. Why it become so dangerous? It’s because the […]

Nuclear Exploit Kit
March 25, 2015

BREAKING NEWS! Fact: Software vulnerabilities are growing and that security gaps should be closed faster. However, this is a not always the case. It’s for this reason that cybercriminals seem to be ahead of the game, find the loopholes and infiltrate computer systems of unsuspecting users. Think zero-day attacks (see Definition). Sometimes, security patches from […]

We have written or about ransomware in previous Advisories.  In this edition we are revisiting ransomware because this menace is not going away anytime soon.  In fact, the proliferation of ransomware is getting more aggressive.  Why wouldn’t it?  In this case the road to riches is paved with money or ramsom – yours. Unfortunately, ransomware […]

Here is a PUP, but not the four-legged kind that some of you may have as pets.  No, this PUP is one you can do without, but unfortunately they sometimes ‘stick’ to freeware (see Definition) and installs without your permission.  These are unwanted programs that you don’t need and don’t want in your device. How do these […]

BREAKING NEWS! It is Patch Tuesday. Microsoft has shipped a bundle of security updates for more than three dozen vulnerabilities in Windows and related software. One of the fix is for a flaw that was first patched in 2010. This was the vulnerability that led to the discovery of Stuxnet, the cyberweapon that was supposedly […]

IT News
How are victims tricked?
March 9, 2015

Humans are always gullible, maybe not all the time but at some point in their lives. No matter how much life experiences we have, we do occasionally fall victim to con jobs, lies, hoaxes and even far-fetched or out-of-this-world stories.   I’m no behavioral expert, but I believe that the reason we fall victim to […]

BREAKING NEWS! In this Breaking News! Edition, we take a look at two potential threats. Cryptowall ransomware makes a comeback Yes, this advisory has talked about Cryptowall, an advance version of Cryptolocker, in previous editions. The cyber crooks have found another way to spread this ransomware – through spam. How are they doing it this […]

BREAKING NEWS! How we love our mobile devices! Some of us can’t live without them. Everywhere we look we see people with eyes glued to their devices – be it while walking in public, in lifts, in trains, cars, buses, in restaurants and the list goes on. One wonders how many people realize the danger […]